Gentlemen's Poker Club Bucharest

Gentlemen's Poker Club Bucharest

📍 Cocor Store, Bucharest


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COOL Friday 😎

Fise Bonus pentru jucatorii care ajung pana la START

Event finished

Late entry ends:
Break after Level 12 (1000/3000) @ 12:42 AM

Players in

1 / 94

Prize pool

20,970 RON

Average stack


Total chip count



Guaranteed prize pool

20,000 RON


🇷🇴 1.#313

Silviu Stan


🎁6,000 RON

🇷🇴 2.#135

Robert B


🎁3,900 RON

🇷🇴 3.#178

Valentin Daniel Nicoi


🎁2,800 RON


See the entire player list on LetsPoker

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Payment methods


Max re-entries allowed






250 RON

Total times bought


Available from: Before start (100/100)
Until: Break after Level 12 (1000/3000)

Available Bonuses

Bonus GG

pentru jucatorii care au cont activ pe platforma PlayGG



Total times bought


Only available during: Before start (100/100)

Fise Bonus pana la START



Total times bought


Only available during: Before start (100/100)

Dealer's Chips

contravaloarea acestor fise este directionata catre tipsul staff-ului



Total times bought


Available from: Before start (100/100)
Until: Break after Level 12 (1000/3000)





350 RON

Total times bought


Available from: Level 1 (100/100)
Until: Break after Level 12 (1000/3000)

Blind Structure

Level 1

23 minute

100 / 100

Ante 100

Level 2

23 minute

100 / 200

Ante 200

Level 3

23 minute

100 / 300

Ante 300

Level 4

23 minute

200 / 400

Ante 400

Level 5

23 minute

200 / 500

Ante 500

Level 6

23 minute

300 / 600

Ante 600


20 minute

Level 7

23 minute

400 / 800

Ante 800

Level 8

23 minute

500 / 1,000

Ante 1,000

Level 9

23 minute

600 / 1,200

Ante 1,200

Level 10

23 minute

1,000 / 1,500

Ante 1,500

Level 11

23 minute

1,000 / 2,000

Ante 2,000

Level 12

23 minute

1,000 / 2,500

Ante 2,500


20 minute

Level 13

23 minute

1,000 / 3,000

Ante 3,000

Level 14

23 minute

2,000 / 4,000

Ante 4,000

Level 15

23 minute

2,000 / 5,000

Ante 5,000

Level 16

23 minute

3,000 / 6,000

Ante 600

Level 17

23 minute

4,000 / 8,000

Ante 8,000

Level 18

23 minute

5,000 / 10,000

Ante 10,000

Level 19

23 minute

6,000 / 12,000

Ante 12,000

Level 20

23 minute

10,000 / 15,000

Ante 15,000

Level 21

23 minute

10,000 / 20,000

Ante 20,000

Level 22

23 minute

10,000 / 25,000

Ante 25,000

Level 23

23 minute

15,000 / 30,000

Ante 30,000

Level 24

23 minute

20,000 / 40,000

Ante 40,000

Level 25

23 minute

25,000 / 50,000

Ante 50,000

Level 26

23 minute

30,000 / 60,000

Ante 60,000

Level 27

23 minute

40,000 / 80,000

Ante 80,000

Level 28

23 minute

50,000 / 100,000

Ante 100,000

Event Information

COOL Friday 😎

20.000 lei GTD

Buy-in 250 lei

Re-entry 350 lei

Estimarea premiilor ( este doar informativa si poate varia in functie de nr de intrari sau la discretia Directorului de turneu)

  1. 7000 lei
  2. 4500 lei
  3. 3000 lei
  4. 2000 lei
  5. 1500 lei
  6. 1100 lei
  7. 900 lei


Descrierea Turneului:

- Bonus 5.000 fise pentru jucatorii care ajung pana la START

- Bonus Extra 5000 fise pentru jucatorii care ajung pana la START si au cont activ pe Platforma PlayGG

One Day Event

- Buy-in 220+30 lei - 20.000 fise

- Buy-in + DC 220+30+20 lei - 25.000 fise

- Re-entry 310+40 lei - 40.000 fise

- Blind-uri la 23 min

- Late reg LvL 12

- Se premiaza 10% din numarul de intrari

- Se joaca 9 Max, dar la discretia Directorului de turneu se poate juca si 10 max

- Rake-ul colectat este de 10% din prizepool

- Dealer's Chips(DC) = Se pot cumpara fise suplimentare in momentul in care faceti Buy-in-ul, contravaloarea acestor fise este directionata catre tipsul staff-ului

- In caz de overlay se va retine 10% din prizepool pentru cheltuielile staff-ului.

- O noua promotie 🃏 GPC Straight Flush 🃏 se acorda intrari in Turneul Romanian Poker Masters jucatorului care reuseste sa realizeze straight flush cu 2 carti din mana (intrare 2000 lei).

Intrarile sunt nominale si pot fi folosite doar pentru turneele tinta (nu pot fi vandute sau transferate).

- Rake-ul aplicat pentru Promotia Straight Flush este de 3% si se colecteaza si in caz de overlay

20.000 lei GTD - Minim 18 jucatori la START

15.000 lei GTD - Minim 12 jucatori la START

10.000 lei GTD - Minim 8 jucatori la START

Detalii despre promoțiile noastre și evenimentele următoare [AICI]

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